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Are you afflicted with any form of hepatitis? Do you have anyone who is a victim of this ailment and is seeking immediate remedy? Below is how i was able to fight Hepatitis B despite my negligence and ignorance.
My brother also used this same Discovery to Remedy His Hepatitis B
This is the most efective and curative solution for those diagnosed with fatty liver disease and any type of Hepatitis.
It has helped more than 13,694 Nigerians.
“Doctors Predicted I Would Die With Fatty Liver Disease and Hepatitis B.
But with a little effort I made
To my greatest surprise
I Reversed My Fatty Liver and Hepatitis B Easily, Permanently & In Just Few Weeks.
I'll Show You!”
Hepatitis is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis virus which could be easily contracted from a victim through contact of body fluids. This could be either through sexual contact, blood contact or even saliva. It could also be contracted if by chance a person consumes the waste passed out from a carrier. Slight contact with these fluids can transmit the disease.
For some people, hepatitis B infection becomes chronic, meaning it lasts more than six months. Having chronic hepatitis B increases your risk of developing liver failure, liver cancer or cirrhosis — a condition that permanently scars of the liver.
If not treated with caution, this hepatitis virus would gradually grow into a more severe state which is know as the Hepatitis B. This is the state which results in scarring of the liver, abnormal functionality of the liver and in due time, liver cancer. These symptoms would only show after the hepatitis A has developed into hepatitis B and I’ve had my own share of it.
So if you value your health, I'd suggest that you take a few moments to answer the following questions: ·
And finally... ·
If you answered “YES” to any of those questions, then you’re exactly in the right place...
Because you could be suffering from the effects of a “FATTY LIVER” or HEPATITIS
...if not treated fast may lead to liver cancer or liver failure
And if you don't do anything about it now, you could end up with a much higher chance of contracting fatal diseases like cirrhosis of the liver, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and cancer.
Most of the diseases you are suffering today like diabetes, bad vision, hypertension, etc are as a result of a DAMAGED LIVER.
And don't think I'm saying any of this to scare you...
If fatty liver progresses to cirrhosis and liver failure, symptoms include:
- an enlarging, fluid-filled abdomen
- jaundice of the skin and eyes
- confusion
- abnormal bleeding
“Fatty liver” has become increasingly common in recent years due to the rising levels of obesity in the world.
As I've already stated, it now affects more than 2.1 BILLION PEOPLE.
That's 1/3 of the entire world population!
So why is this so important to your health, and your life?
Well, what might surprise you is that your liver is the second most important organ in your body - after the brain.
It performs an incredible 800+ functions, including:
So what does this mean?
Quite simply, it means that if your liver isn't functioning at 100%, you have ZERO chance of being healthy.
And that's because a fatty liver causes INFLAMMATION, which impairs your liver's ability to carry out its 800+ jobs in your body.
The more your liver is impaired, the unhealthier you become, and the more likely you are to contract a wide range of life-threatening diseases, such as liver failure, heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and much more.
That's the simple and harsh truth.
But most of us don't.
In fact, the typical modern diet - which is full of processed foods, chemicals, sugar and alcohol - has led to alarming rates of obesity, and is the #1 reason for the surge in cases of “fatty liver”.
Essentially, your liver becomes full of fat, inflamed and enlarged, and can no longer do its job properly.
So instead of your liver clearing out toxins, it starts to POISON you.
Instead of breaking down fats and assisting your metabolism, it begins to STORE FAT, making it virtually impossible to lose weight.
Instead of clearing your blood of harmful substances, it allows them to THRIVE & MULTIPLY.
In short, your fatty liver is robbing you of your health and making it virtually impossible for you to lose weight, feel great and enjoy your life.
Fatty liver is reversible in almost 99% of cases.
You’ll finally be able to...
That's right...
Hi, my name is Mr JOHN AKINTOLA and I'm a Nutritionist, Author and Expert on the subject of Fatty Liver.
Back in 2009, and at just 36 years of age, I was suffering from very poor health.
I'd recently been diagnosed with depression because every day had become a struggle for me, and I wasn't enjoying life at all.
I was constantly tired and sluggish, and finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on my day job.
I was stressed-out, irritable and struggling to sleep, which then made things even worse.
My skin - which had been blemish free through my entire life was now starting to breakout relentlessly, and whatever I did, I couldn't seem to get it under control.
And as the months and years went by, my symptoms just got worse and worse...
I started to develop pain in my lower back and abdomen, which really started to worry me.
After visiting many different Doctors, I was eventually diagnosed with a “fatty liver”, or to be more precise, Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatisis (NASH) and Hepatitis B.
In my case, I didn't believe I could be a victim of hepatitis because I thought it could only be contracted from living recklessly because I quite knew a little about it.
Little did I know that a slight contact with the disease could change my life permanently. This is to enlighten about the fact that hepatitis could be contracted in several ways.
I started feeling pains around the upper area of my stomach not consistently though but I felt it was just a slight ache from work.
At 32 and working with a Television Station (name withheld) as an Editor. I had reasons to always sit for long hours so I assumed it was just a random pain.
My greatest regret was not going for immediate checkup.
About a 2 Months later or thereabout of the stomach pains it started taking me up to 40 minutes to get up from the bed because of the pain around my stomach area. I could not carry out simple activities like cleaning the house or even bathing myself.
For about a week of the reoccurring pain, it suddenly went away. This was the first stage of hepatitis which I didn't know about. Other symptoms were pains around my joints and loss of appetite.
I could not eat solid nor liquid. I started becoming very lean and I threw up every little thing I managed to eat or drink thinking it was malaria I was taking treatments for Malaria and typhoid.
I know the discomfort that comes with having to bear the pain of urinating. This made me even avoids drinking water.
After some research, I found that Fatty Liver Disease can be categorized as Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD), Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) or Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatisis (NASH).
Liver Cancer
All 3 include a range of conditions from simple “steatosis” (a fatty infiltration of the liver tissue which can interfere with your health), to cirrhosis (an irreversible and potentially fatal build-up of scar tissue in the liver).
Although NAFLD and NASH are similar to Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, people who contract these diseases (like me) drink little or no alcohol, yet it can still lead to permanent liver damage, cancer and liver-related death.
Plus, all people with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease have an increased risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and stroke.
According to recent statistics, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases are becoming more and more common. In fact, it's estimated that up to 35% of the entire world population may have either fatty liver or NASH.
And the primary reason is the modern diet.
You see, in my case, the cause of my Fatty Liver wasn't what I was drinking...
After the early stages of severe pain and loss of appetite, I started vomiting and feeling fatigued even after long hours of rest.
I immediately went to the physician around my neighborhood because my doctor wasn't accessible at that point in time. This was another mistake I wish I didn't make because I was slowly killing myself.
The physician told me it was probably food poisoning and gave me some bottles of water to use. These bottles included pain relievers which I took morning, afternoon and night.
I was also given gastric juice which I took morning and night. Even after this, I didn't see any improvements. I still continued using the water then later started visiting hospitals.
I was referred from one hospital to another before I was told i'm living with hepatitis A. I was given another set of tablets which were supposed to manage it well. I kept using these capsules day and night and thought I would be cured.
About a month after, I woke up one morning and knew all was not well. I looked into the mirror and saw that my eyes were yellow and my face was covered with rashes. I was able to drag myself to hospital for immediate check up.
The doctor broke the news of hepatitis B and recommend an immediate operation on my liver because a large portion of it had injuries. This meant I was close to having liver cancer.
My case of hepatitis must have been caused by contaminated water. The tricky thing about hepatitis B is you'd only start experiencing full symptoms after about 21 days after the virus must have fully developed from hepatitis A.
My diet had caused my Fatty Liver, and it was slowly killing me.
After looking into Fatty Liver Diseases a little more, I found that a clinical study, conducted in Norway on 47,594 people with fatty liver, concluded that it INCREASES THE RISK OF CANCER.
And not just liver cancer either - lung cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, oesophageal cancer, and more.
It was clear to me that my diet was ruining my health and putting my life in danger, and I had to do something about it - AND FAST.
To begin with, my Doctor told me that the main thing I needed to do was lose some weight...
And he was right...
After all, studies show that 70% of people with fatty liver are OBESE.
However, he gave me absolutely no advice or guidance about what I should or shouldn't be eating!
After an entire year of trying and failing to lose weight and improve my health, and after seeing multiple Doctors who didn't seem to know anything about how to cure my condition, there was only one option left...
I decided to do a Thorough Research to find out how to reverse my fatty liver and reclaim my health fast... Truth is I wouldn't afford a Liver Transplant
After 3 years of indepth research, where I paid particular attention to the liver, I only learnt a few things on how to improve my health.
But I couldn't find any lasting solution for my liver. At a time I almost gave up, but that would also mean giving up on my life...
One of those days I stumbled upon a powerful information that introduced me to a shocking scientific discovery by an American-China health Experts... Quickly I took advantage of it and 3months down the line my health improved dramatically, and I lost 32 lbs, with barely any effort at all.
I discovered during my research that the liver plays an ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL ROLE in weight loss.
One of your liver's main jobs is to break down fat and turn it into energy, but when it's not functioning properly, it simply can't handle the excess fat and sugar coming at it, which results in fat piling up in all the wrong places all over your body including the stomach (A.K.A; Pot Belly).
This makes the task of losing weight almost impossible.
Through all this I kept working which turned out to be the best decision I ever made. So one afternoon I was tired of working and I wanted to relax by listening to the radio and there came my Solution.
As I started listening and I heard it was about liver I just paid close attention to it and noted the number down.
At first I felt the price of the Supposed treatment was outrageous but the thinking of the money I’ve wasted and the thought of me getting operated I thought to myself that what’s not to risk there so I put a call through and placed an order
I got the delivery the second day and after 1-2 weeks of consistent use, I saw changes huge changes. I used the dosages as I was directed to.
I was able to urinate easily and my appetite gradually came back but I slept a lot even in the office the sleeping was bad. Though It was able to replenish my body with supplements that helped heal the wounds on my liver.
I didn’t know how it worked but I felt really good after a long while the cost of the treatment was worth it because it worked like wonders.
I was advised to go back for thorough check up to ensure I was cured of the ailment. The doctor took samples of my urine, saliva and blood. After conducting test after test, I was able to conquer hepatitis B.
That’s the same reason why I’m here today after a lot of money.
This is my Testimony. It was tough but I came through.
John A. Akintola.
That is why I am introducing this Supplement to you today for you to benefit from what I too have benefitted from taking a risk. I’m quite comfortable right now I don’t really need any money or gain from it. The Supplement is a from a Chinese company called Norland and I can assure you it reaaaaaaaaally works with absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS.
Before I could finish my complete dosage I didn’t need any magician or Doctor to confirm that it was working.
Read Till the End
There has been few testimonies of people that have used it already here:
Testimony 1: I’ve had considerable intestinal problems since childhood. I’ve taken 1 MEBO GI capsules per day for about 45 days. My intestines feel better. I’m able to eat more foods with fewer reactions. The first time I took 2 caps and had a black substance come out 3 times, it cleaned me out. After that everything was better, I’ve only been taking 1 each day. I am digesting better. Able to drink more water. I’m sleeping better and my brain and thinking are clearer. Thank You so much for sharing this wonderful product with me. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit! Love, May Willimann
Testimony 2: We began using Mebo GI Capsules with the hypogl ycemic capsule the first of October of 2016 here it is almost the first of January, 2017 I am here to tell that Mebo is working for me and my wife. I have had three surgeries on my Stomach and was told I would need one more in January or early Feb 2017. With Mebo I don’t need the surgery. They were going to do another surgery on the side of my stomach and now I don’t need it at all. Also, to my surprise, I’m also, being treated for Macular Degeneration and I am now able to see better with my right eye and it is getting better very quickly. I haven’t done anything differently in diet or lifestyle so I have come to the conclusion that it is MEBO.
Testimony 3: MEBO and hypogl ycemic herbal capsule cures Macular Degeneration I thought this was interesting, especially because the MEBO GI capsules and Hypog ylcemic help to heal the gut… some believe most disease starts in the gut. Maybe MEBO GI capsules will truly help all of us in many ways. They are certainly helping my husbands’ eyes who has suffered from macular degeneration for years. Before he could not even see the Large E at the top of the chart. After being on MEBO GI capsules for 2 months he can now read the first 3 lines on the chart. Judy
Testimony 4: Even though i was reluctant to buy this product immediatly for fear and doubts i finally and it worked the magic for the hepatitis B. just give it a trial and you're almost there. Prof. Issa from Ilorin.
And this Supplement is for those that think it is finished after they discovered they are Hepatitic...this is just a way of showing that when there's life there's hope and whatever we do living on earth are risks so i implore you to take this simple risk today and you're good to go to have your testimonies posted.
Read Till the End
Hypoglycemic Herbal And GI Vital Capsules
Firstly, the thing about having any health issue is that you cant just give up on it you have to continue looking for a cure because your body is not just a car you can dump when its faulty you just have to repair the fault and you cant regret it.
Now I understand you may think people online will do anything to sell their products but some of these researches stated above has proven a lot and you can see for yourselves
It Cures any Liver problem easily in 90 days
The Hypoglycemic herbal Effect
Hypoglycemic Herbal Capsules is used for auxiliary protective function for chemical liver injury. It supplies the liver the key micro nutrients it needs for stability and optimal functioning.
Three key constituents of Hypogl ycemic Herbal Capsules are L-cys teine, Soy Iecithin and Pue raria Iobata Extract among others.
L-cystein is essentially used as glua thione antidote and for flushing heavy metals, scavenging free radicals while Soy lecithin effectively acts on fats and stones. The functions of Pue raria Iobata Extract are for detoxification and repair
BiIirubin is an important index reflecting the excretion function of the liver, when biIirubin levels fall, the liver function enhances.
Protein is indispensable to liver patients, sufficient protein can protect the function of liver cells, promote the regeneration of hepa tocytes, prevent 3dema, blood and ascites.Vitamins with liver store vitamins, and involved in the metabolism of the liver. When the liver is damaged, it will affect the absorption of vitamins. When there is a vitamin deficiency, should be promptly filled. Such as vitamin B2, vitamin B6, foIic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin K and so on.
Zinc. Liver function needs zinc to assist, according to statistics, hepatitis patients generally have a lack of zinc situation, will cause loss of appetite and abdominal distension and other illnesses.
Hypogl ycemic Herbal Capsules supplies the liver all the micro nutrients it needs for stability and optimal functioning.
Key ingredients include: Schis andra extract (Chemical liver injury, Manner three subsidies)Puer@ria Iobata Extract (detoxification, repair, effect is more than a hundredfold of ordinary raw materials Soy lecithin (fat, stone), L-cyst eine (gIuta thione antidote, heavy metals, scavenging free radicals) and Vitamin B1 (essential nutrients to maintain normal digestive system).
GI Vital Effect
Rejuvenate, regenerate, reactivate and rebuild broken and dead cells and restores back dead cells in our body.
Reduces blood pressure.
For broken bones, severed fingers, skin ulcers and cancers
For protection or repair of lungs or treatment of lung cancers
Here’s what This GI Vital and hypogl ycemic Herbal Capsules Can Do To Help You:
Hepatitis B signs and symptoms may include:
This Product is approved by NAFDAC!
1month treatment
N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira)
1 Bottle of Hypoglycemic Herbal Capsules and 1 Bottle of the GI VITAL Capsule
2Months Treatment
N85,000 (Eighty-Five Thousand Naira)
2 Bottles of Hypoglycemic Herbal Capsules and 2 Bottles of the GI VITAL Capsules
3 Months Treatment
N115,000 (One Hundred & Fifteen Thousand Naira)
3 Bottles of Hypoglycemic Herbal Capsules and 3 Bottles of GI VITAL Capsules
The full packages come with guarantee
If you know the cost of liver transplant you wont say this is costly
The Most Recommended Treatment Is the Complete Treatment Pack, You’ll Get Your Desired Result with That…
I encourage you to order the complete treatment pack of either of Fatty Liver or Hepatitis Remedy because you’ll get the desired result with that and you won’t have to keep spending money on this again. Complete treatment is the BEST for either Fatty Liver or Hepatitis
1. GI VITAL Capsule (1 in the morning and 1 at night)
2. Hypoglycemic Herbal Capsule: 1 tablet in the morning 30 mins before meal and 1 tablet in the evening before or after meal.
NOTE: Please, Do Not Place an Order if you are not ready to pay and receive Your Product within the Next 2 – 4 days. Call DOCTOR CHIDI on 08163084653
If you have any question or Clarification before you order, Call DR CHIDI with the below Phone Number: 08163084653
Send a WhatsApp Message with the below details to DR CHIDI on 08163084653
– Your Full Name,
– Your Full address + LGA/State,
– Your Phone Number (Provide 2 Numbers If available),
– Specify the number of bottle(s) you are ordering + Product Name.
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